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"Zoran Borović"
Bosnia and Herzegovina tobacco excise tax modeling (2023-05)
Z. Borović, L. Mićić, D. Gligorić, D. Preradović Kulovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina tobacco excise tax modeling, Tobacconomics Working Paper No. 23/5/3, May, 2023 -
Convergence and Productivity Growth: Evidence From The Republic Of Srpska (2023-12)
Z. Borović, D. Tomaš, J. Trivić, Convergence and Productivity Growth: Evidence From The Republic Of Srpska, Ekonomski horizonti, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 231 - 244, Dec, 2023 -
Total factor productivity gap between the “New” and “Old” Europe: An industry-level perspective (2023-07)
D. Radičić, Z. Borović, J. Trivić, Total factor productivity gap between the “New” and “Old” Europe: An industry-level perspective, POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 770 - 795, Jul, 2023 -
Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic Growth: The Case of Commonweath of Independent States (2017)
D. Gligorić, Z. Borović, V. Vujanić, Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic Growth: The Case of Commonweath of Independent States, ЗБОРНИК РАДОВА ЕКОНОМСКОГ ФАКУЛТЕТА У ИСТОЧНОМ САРАЈЕВУ, No. 15, pp. 23 - 35, 2017 -
Total factor productivity drivers in the selected EU countries: Cointegration approach (2020)
Z. Borović, M. Rebić, D. Tomaš, Total factor productivity drivers in the selected EU countries: Cointegration approach, Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Rijeci-Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 295 - 315, 2020 -
Impact of Economic Freedom on Total Factor Productivity in Former Socialist Countries (2020-12)
Z. Borović, D. Gligorić, J. Trivić, Impact of Economic Freedom on Total Factor Productivity in Former Socialist Countries, Economic Analysis, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 95 - 108, Dec, 2020 -
Total factor productivity drivers in the selected EU countries: Cointegration approach (2020-06)
Z. Borović, Total factor productivity drivers in the selected EU countries: Cointegration approach, Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Rijeci-Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 295 - 315, Jun, 2020 -
Convergence and Divergence Tendencies in the European Union: New Evidence on the Productivity/Institutional Puzzle (2024-11)
Z. Borović, Д. Радичић, В. Ритан, Д. Томаш, Convergence and Divergence Tendencies in the European Union: New Evidence on the Productivity/Institutional Puzzle, Economies, Vol. 323, No. 12, pp. 1 - 36, Nov, 2024 -
Економски раст, неједнакост и улога институција (2022)
Z. Borović, М. Ребић, Економски раст, неједнакост и улога институција, Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Економски факултет, 2022 -
Productivity Gap between the “New” and “Old” Europe and Role of Institutions (2023-10)
Z. Borović, D. Radičić, Productivity Gap between the “New” and “Old” Europe and Role of Institutions, Economies, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 1 - 19, Oct, 2023 -
Ефекат кредитне активности банака у БиХ на спољнотрговинску неравнотежу (2011)
Z. Borović, Ефекат кредитне активности банака у БиХ на спољнотрговинску неравнотежу, Финрар, Vol. 7, pp. 67 - 75, 2011 -
Ефикасност тржишних структура савременог капитализма (2011)
Z. Borović, Ефикасност тржишних структура савременог капитализма, FINANCING , Vol. 2, pp. 45 - 54, 2011 -
Концентрација на тржишту телекомуникација у БиХ (2012)
Z. Borović, Концентрација на тржишту телекомуникација у БиХ, ЗБОРНИК РАДОВА ЕКОНОМСКОГ ФАКУЛТЕТА У ИСТОЧНОМ САРАЈЕВУ, Vol. 6, pp. 177 - 188, 2012 -
Equality and fairness in the distribution of the conditions and results of economic activity in the Republic of Srpska (2012)
Z. Borović, Д. Милуновић, Equality and fairness in the distribution of the conditions and results of economic activity in the Republic of Srpska, Industrija, Vol. 40, pp. 235 - 253, 2012 -
Equality and fairness in the distribution of the conditions and results of economic activity in the Republic of Srpska (2012)
Z. Borović, Equality and fairness in the distribution of the conditions and results of economic activity in the Republic of Srpska, Industrija, pp. 235 - 253, 2012 -
Measuring TFP: Growth accounting for the real sectorof the economy in the republic of Srpska (2013)
Z. Borović, Д. Милуновић, Measuring TFP: Growth accounting for the real sectorof the economy in the republic of Srpska, Industrija, No. 41, pp. 87 - 108, 2013 -
Measuring Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for cross country differences in income per capita (2013)
Z. Borović, S. Pucar, Measuring Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for cross country differences in income per capita, Acta Economica, Vol. 19, pp. 75 - 95, 2013 -
Does economic inequality boosts economic growth: Evidence form the Republic of Srpska (2014)
Z. Borović, Does economic inequality boosts economic growth: Evidence form the Republic of Srpska, ЗБОРНИК РАДОВА ЕКОНОМСКОГ ФАКУЛТЕТА У ИСТОЧНОМ САРАЈЕВУ, Vol. 8, pp. 17 - 23, 2014 -
Does economic freedom impact economic growth: Evidence from two Western Balkan countries (2014)
Z. Borović, Does economic freedom impact economic growth: Evidence from two Western Balkan countries, Industrija, Vol. 42, pp. 57 - 71, 2014 -
Does economic freedom impact economic growth: Decomposing the effects for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014)
Z. Borović, Does economic freedom impact economic growth: Decomposing the effects for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Acta Economica, Vol. 21, pp. 9 - 23, 2014